A new beginning and a give-away!!

Hello, hello!! Wow where did the first two and a half months of this year go? A while ago I promised myself I would not keep harping on about how quickly time passes but on this occasion I will go easy on myself. I have spent the best part of the year so far...

Taking time to be inspired

I have not really made specific resolutions for this year (I gave up on that a long time ago!) but there are just general things that I would like to keep doing, or do more of or begin doing not just for 2015 but overall. I write myself little lists in my diary and...

2014 – A year of new (ad)ventures.

As the last day of 2014 fades away, it is time to say good-bye to what has been a time of incredible growth for me this past 12 months on a personal level but also artistically and in my career. So many exciting things have happened and after a lot of years of not...

We all Cast Shadows – The Book!

In my last post I mentioned a couple of exciting things still to come in terms of the We all Cast Shadows body of work – and here we are! The first is that a book is right now being professionally printed and will be delivered to me later this week! I have been...

We all Cast Shadows – an ongoing journey

So much has happened these last few months that I am in that position where I don’t even know where to begin in the recording of it so I shall just need to get down what I can, when I can! Now we are into November and my exhibition We all Cast Shadows is still...
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