I worked just a brief couple of hours in the studio today as we spent most of the day in town amongst the chaos doing a few bits of Christmas shopping. Gosh was I glad to be back home and in my painting clothes working in my journal pages. I treated myself to a couple...
Hello to you on this gloomy, grey, rainy Sunday. I am ensconced in the studio working in my journal and on a couple of paintings and I am quite happy to be here. The internet is soooo slow – I think everyone must be doing their online last minute Christmas...
I just wanted to thank everyone so much for all the lovely comments and feedback on my brand new website this week since I launched it on Monday. After working so hard on something it is very gratifying to know it all works well and is clear and functional and shows...
As I mentioned in these three posts, I feel it is important to make art just for yourself as a reward or a gift. One of my most treasured possessions is my large watercolour Moleskine where I fill the pages with imagery, paint and writing. I don’t usually have...
So – this is the third post about getting to the easel. How do I get there? 1. Get up, get dressed, have breakfast. 2. Leave the computer behind and preferably my phone (or phone goes on silent). I am notoriously hard to get hold of. This is why. 3. Climb the...
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