I still get many enquiries regarding my signature on-line course Unearth Gather Create – Will I be running it again? Will it become a self study course?

And I am delighted to let you know that the answer to both questions is Yes!! I won’t be running it as a live course in the near future but it will happen again sometime. I am busy writing and planning a brand new on-line course which you will be hearing about very soon. (I had hoped to have this course out around now but it has been slightly hampered by me being ill for the first few months of the year and I am now laid up in bed with a bad back – but it is coming – I promise…)

So while I have been crippled with back pain I have had a chance to work on something I had been intending to do for a little while – create a new home for all things to do with my workshops and on-line teaching. So the website is built (if looking a little bare at the moment) but you can find it here at Gillian Lee Smith – Art School – very fancy sounding I know but one of the regular comments I get is that Unearth Gather Create is like attending Art School on-line. I have exciting ideas for this site – more intensive E-courses, Short Courses and free videos and resources all focussed on helping students build their skills and imaginations in creating art, learning strong foundations of art techniques and tools and of course (as Unearth Gather Create teaches) building your confidence in creating art that is unique to you and tells your story in your own way. So look out for more coming over the next months and into the long term. I am sure it will grow organically and I am excited to share things with you.

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In the meantime the answer to the second question above is that Unearth Gather Create is now available as a self-paced, self study course meaning you can sign up and begin at any time! I have had so much generous and wonderful feedback for this course and I am still proud of all that I put into it and what it has become. The content is exactly the same as the ‘live course’ and once you sign up you have access to the course indefinitely. Whilst it is now a self-study course I am planning to run it as a live course (for a specific 6 weeks where students can connect with me for support and feedback) and will do this perhaps once a year. Anyone signing up to the self study course will have the chance to ‘upgrade’ to the live courses whenever they happen and work alongside other students at the same time.

So lots to plan and lots to come – I just need to get my back sorted and all will be grand! (I am seeing an Osteopath next week so I am hoping that will do it : )


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