At last, I have something new to show you. The last couple of weeks have been so full of ‘doing other things’ that my painting time has been seriously neglected – but I am not one for being able to focus on too many things at once – I like to go wholeheartedly at one thing at a time. So yesterday was a blissful day in the studio practicing again with my oil painting which is a back and forward struggle highlighted with moments of ‘I get this!’ and battling with the very different way of painting that I use with acrylics. But it is good to sit outside my comfort zone and I have a feeling that once the penny drops I shall not look back.


I am interested to know how artists who work in both mediums decide which to use for a particular painting. I can’t imagine giving up acrylics as I love the immediacy of them and I have developed a strong sense of the effects that I can create using them in certain ways. But how to decide when and for what? I guess that will all come with experience.

The other quandary is how to store my paintings as they are drying? I think I need to DIY some kind of drying rack so will be searching for ideas.

This week will likely bring some kind of studio switch-around. (I am dreading it). It is so tempting to leave it as it is as I have a whole load of things I need to be doing such as filming the e-course but I do need to create a better area for filming so that I am not tripping over lights and tripods etc – my studio is looking like some kind of overcrowded film set at the moment. I dread beginning a move around as really I know what I need to do is have a major clear OUT and get rid of a whole load of things I no longer need or use – but that way madness lies and I think that plan needs to be left till after May.

studio mess

Speaking of which – unbelievably ( I still am in a daze) in less that a week Unearth Gather Create has completely sold out. I know that some people did not get a place who wanted to register and I am sorry for anyone who was disappointed. BUT all going well and providing the interest is there, the likelihood is that I will re-run the course later this year after my solo show and retreat in October. So if you are on the mailing list already you will get updates on that as I decide on dates etc and if you are not on the mailing list but would like to be then you can head on over to the Unearth Gather Create website and register your interest there for future news.

Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up, shown interest and cheered me along kicking and screaming to begin this new venture.

Now for more painting!

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